Job announcement Coordinator

The coordinator is responsible for supervising and monitoring enumerators in the field to make sure that they collect all required...


Call for Expression of Interest CAP-RED’...

CAP-RED is opening its first round of grant support to private water operators (PWOs) and piped water supply investors..


Job Announcement Consultancy Service

Consultancy Service conduct feasibility assessment on potential use of the Cambodian Water Supply Association’s..


World Water-Tech Innovation Summit

We’re delighted to support the World Water-Tech Innovation Summit, London (February 22-23, 2022) as a marketing partner..


Job Announcement on Technical Assistant

Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation (MISTI) on revising the guideline on the Water..


Announcement to Selection the company of...

Announcement to Selection the company of motor system installation for PWOs at the target Province have been implementing a project UNICEF.
