Announcement to selection water well dri...

Announcement to selection water well drilling company for PWOs in Kampong Speu province has been implemented funded by UNICEF project..


Announcement to bidding for water pipe s...

Announcement to bidding for water pipe supply for operators in two provinces has been implemented project funded by UNICEF..


Announcement to selection of company sup...

Announcement to selection of suppliers’ company and install well pump motor use solar energy into funding from UNICEF project..


គម្រោង «បង្កើននូវភាពធន់ នឹងអាកាសធាតុ»

សមាគមអ្នកផ្គត់ផ្គង់ទឹកស្អាតកម្ពុជា មានកិត្តិយសសូមជម្រាបជូន លោក/លោកស្រី អ្នកនាងកញ្ញា ជាម្ចាស់​ស្ថានីយ​ផ្គត់ផ្គង់ទឹកស្អាតឯកជន


Using innovative partnerships to promote...

Innovative partnerships can help to enhance access to safe drinking water. Australia is sharing knowledge and innovation in water-related service..


Job Announcement: Admin & Finance O...

Cambodian Water Supply Association (CWA) is a local professional association specializes in water service supply both in urban and rural areas of Cambodia. We work closel...
