Cambodian Water Supply Association
2nd Cambodian Water Conference and Exhibition
The 2nd Cambodian Water Conference and Exhibition, with a theme of “Increase Access to Water Supply Service, with Quality, safety Sustainability and Affordable” was held in 2017.
A total of 320 participants represented by the Government officials (from Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts (MIH), Ministry of Rural Development (MRD), Ministry of Education Youths and Sport (MoEYS) , Ministry of Environment (MoE) , Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA), and Ministry of Public Work and Transportation (MPWT), development partners, international and local NGOs, public and private water operators, researchers, university students, supplying companies and Commune/Sangkat councils and water users attended this conference.
This time CWA will welcome international delegations, such as Australian, Japanese and Chinese delegations and offer them opportunity to interact with the key decision makers across the Cambodian public, private sectors and Development partners working in the Cambodian water sector.
Theme and Sub-theme
The main theme of the 2nd Water Converence and Exhibition is:
“Increase Access to Water Supply Service, with Quality, Safety Sustainability and Affordable tariff”
There are two sub-themes:
- How we can work together to achieve the univeral access to water supply?
- How to set a water tariff to ensure quality, sustainable and affordable water supply service?
Date and Place
The program tentatively set on November 15-16, 2017 at Cambodiana Hotel (TBC).
The working languages of the Conference are Khmer with simultaneously translated into English.
Expected Participant
It is expected to have approximately 200 participants who are governmental officials (from MIH, MRD, MoEYS, MoE, MoWA, and MPT), development partners, international and local NGOs, private water operators, researchers, university students, supplying companies and Commune/Sangkat councils and water users.